
More and more vehicles appear on NZ roads every year, which also means there are more tyres being used and disposed. And when you buy new tyres, where do the old tyres go? It’s something seldom considered by the average consumer, but a huge problem for our ecosystem, and for current and future generations. In Europe, more than 80 percent of old tyres are processed for reuse or recycling via the Responsible Recycler Scheme, and since 2006, EU rules have banned the disposal of tyres in landfill sites.

  • Transfer stations will no longer except tyres for landfill. Disposal Fee applies per tyre. 


tyre process


Tyre Uses

Through recycling and reuse, there are many ways end-of-life tyres can become useful and effective. From grounding for children’s playgrounds, artificial turf and athletics fields, rubberised roads that help reduce road noise by 25 percent, to retaining walls for construction, racetrack safety barriers, commercial and private uses. If you’ve got an idea for old tyres, or would like free tyres for your own art, design or sculpting project, contact Tyre Recycling Waikato.